Time to Bring Out That Swim Suit

Time to Bring Out That Swim Suit

This image of “bathing beauties” of a generation ago is just the best. It speaks to me of fun, friendship, self-confidence, individuality, health and even modesty.

Relaxed and healthy relationship between these besties is evident in their honest and unguarded smiles. I can almost hear them belly laughing, while trying to stay gracefully upon their perches. Although each is presenting their “best self”, they are all different and seem to be comfortable with themselves.

The joy of knowing that you are beautiful in your own way is a concept that has taken me years to grasp and to own. I hope we will pass the value of being our own “best self”, without the burden of constant comparison, on to our daughters and granddaughters. That is the real beauty of these “Bathing Beauties” of the past.